Monday, June 26, 2017

Patung Brahma Lerare - Lord Brahma Statue as an Infant in Bali , Indonesia

Patung Brahma Lerare  - Lord Brahma Statue as an Infant in Bali , Indonesia

This statue is very popular with the title " Baby Statue ". This figure is depicting Brahma as an infant. "Brahma Lerare" or "Brahma Rare" in Indonesian means "Lord Brahma as a Baby".
This statue is defined as a holy birth. God Brahma is a Manifestation of God as Creator. The birth of any Artwork or anything is expected on the basis of a Sacred thought and purpose, as the birth of an Innocent , Holy and Pure Child.

This Statue is located at Tigers Sakah - Blahbatuh -Mas , Gianyar , Bali , Indonesia.