Tuesday, December 8, 2015

DHARMA(धर्म)-BIJAKSANA(बीजांश)-KSATRIA(क्षत्रिय) Logo of "Indonesian National Police Academy(AKPOL)" Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia


Logo of "Indonesian National Police Academy(AKPOL)" Semarang,  Central Java, Indonesia  

  Detailed Study of AKPOL Banner Emblem
A. Pataka ( Banner Emblem ) (पताका , ध्वज )
Shape - Shield Black
 Meaning of the Emblem - Protector and Patron Community

B. White Star
Shape - Star 3 pieces
 Symbolic of  - Tribrata
Color - Golden

C. Birth INP 1 July 1946 is described by following symbols -
1. Column of Golden Yellow Color 
 1 Pole Symbolic of  Date 1st 
Meaning Soulless and firm
2. Red Fire with 7 Flames  (Symbolic  Trishula) (त्रिशूल) 
Symbolic of  Month of  July 
 Meaning - Spirit Burning
3. Open White Book
Shape - Right  4 pieces and Left 6 pieces 
Symbolic of  Year 1946 as a means of Education

D. Plinth Golden Yellow Color
 Shape -  3 levels
Describe - "Among Foster"
Meaning: Ing ngarso sung tulodo, Ing madyo Mangun Karso, Tut wuri handayani (in Javanees Language)

E. Head Pole golden yellow color
 Shape -  3 stacking
System Pangasuhan "Trinity Center" (त्रिशक्ति) 

F. Light golden yellow color
Symbolic of Pancasila (पंचशील सिद्धांत) 

G. Flowers Wijaya Kusuma white
Form - 5 petals
Symbolic of Pancasila (पंचशील सिद्धांत) 
Meaning - Science

H. Base Green Flower
Shape - 3 petals
Symbolic of 3 Qualities of an  Officer - Dharma (धर्म )- Wise (बीजांश) - Knight (क्षत्रिय)

I. Fruit Tape 
Reads - Police Academy
Reads - Dharma - Bijaksana - Ksatria
DHARMA - (धर्म ) Being willing to sacrifice in performing Dharma bhakti (धर्म भक्ति) to the Homeland, the Nation and the State.
BIJAKSANA - (बीजांश)  Clever . Able to make decisions fair wise and selfless.
KSATRIA -  (क्षत्रिय) Having Knight skills and able to carry out tasks quickly and boldly.

J. Foundation Date of AKPOL October 1, 1965 is described by these Symbols

J1. The Rice Green Stalk 
 Form -1 stalk
 Symbolic of  - Date 1st 
J 2. Yellow Rice 
Shape -10 Grain
Symbolic of Month of  October
Meaning - Prosperity
J 3. Cotton Green Leaf 
Cotton leaf - 6 petals
Symbolic of  Count - 6  (Year 65)
J 3. White Cotton Flowers 
Cotton Flowers - 5 petal
Symbolic of  Count - 5  (Year 65)

Describe - 1965
Meaning - Welfare

Jl. Sultan Agung No. 131 , New Candi , Semarang , Central Java , Indonesia